Saturday, January 21, 2012

blog about a new blogger that should be journaling

it took me about three nights to even set this blog up.  don't judge.  so here i am.  my first blog and the first time i've sat down to write in ages.  i'm completely unfocused right now and should probably be 'journaling' instead. however, i've decided to let go of being a perfectionist tonight.  i'm not even going to edit. *sudden writer's block*

so i've been reading a few blogs for a few years now all the while wanting to be a 'blogger' myself.  hoping to have something to say that people will want to read. oh i rant on fb on a daily basis.  i'm infamous for starting debates amongst my friends, who happen to sway extremely right and extremely left.  i've even been deleted because i enjoy the bill maher show.  SO.  he has great panelists and i absolutely LOVE listening to many different views from such interesting people.  i'm passionate and opinionated and a complete procrastinator. so this is sort of a new beginning for me.

i'm probably going to quote oprah A LOT. (i've grown up with her and she has been a teacher.) she says, as i paraphrase, that everyday we aren't following our passion, a little piece of us dies.  whoo is that powerful. okay maybe i'm editing a little bit.  don't judge.  so basically this is me getting out the bad writing to get to the good stuff. yes, i definitely should be journaling (just so you know i AM aware).  today, and that's all i have, i'm going to start this process of rediscovery, in search of real freedom that only comes from being truly authentic, the woman God created me to be. 


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